Seagreens Pet Granules 200g
200g = 100 days for medium dog
.From Seagreens - the absolute Gold Standard in Pet and Equine seaweed supplements.
Perfect for the meticulous pet parent who only buys human grade food for their pet. Scroll to the bottom for testimonials.
Enhance the value and absorption of other feed nutrients.
A rich source of minerals, trace elements and antioxidants.
Balance your animal's nutritional intake.
Healthier coat and happier temperament.
Nutrient imbalance, micronutrient and mineral deficiencies and metabolic disorders are often caused by poor quality food disguised as "good nutrition" by clever marketing.
Domestic animals suffer the same chronic and degenerative conditions as humans including loss of energy and heart disease.
This easily digested Seagreens organic seaweed helps balance the animal's metabolism, strengthen immunity, restore vitality and support the mineral balance in performance.
This is a coarser grained product with larger chunky pieces (see photo).
Independent analytical data
Typical nutritional values per half gram
Protein : 29.50mg
Carbohydrate : 277.50mg of which Dietary Fibre 248.75mg (including the non-starch polysaccharides Algin, Fucose, Fucoidan, Mannitol, Methylpentosans, Laminarin, Mannuronic Acid and Chlorophyll)
Enzymes (units) Carbohydrase 22.5 (pH 8.0), Protease 281 (pH 8.0)
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) : Total EPA + DHA Omega-3 0.39mg, Omega-3 0.85mg, Omega-6 2.56mg, Omega-9 6.25mg, Alpha-linolenic Acid 0.25mg, Eicosapentenoic Acid 0.39mg
Vitamins : A (antioxidant carotenoids including beta carotene, fucoxanthin and violaxanthin) 89µg, B1 (thiamin) 0.3µg, B2 (riboflavin) 0.05µg, B3 (niacin or vit PP) 5.9µg, B9 (folate) .29µg, B12 (cobalamin) 0.0005µg, C (antioxidant) 49.6µg, D (cholecalciferol) 0.005µg, E (antioxidant) 13.5µg, H (biotin) 0.15µg, K (menadione) 5µg
Minerals : Calcium 6.75mg, Magnesium 4.12mg, Nitrogen 4.75mg, Phosphorus 0.35mg, Potassium 9.1mg, Sodium 17.25mg, Sulphur 0.03mg
Trace Elements : Antimony 0.03µg, Barium 3.03µg, Boron 49µg, Cerium 0.06µg, Cobalt 0.32µg, Copper 0.28µg, Germanium 0.04µg, Gold 0.03µg, Iodine 356µg, Iridium trace, Iron 59.5µg, Lanthanum 0.03µg, Lithium 0.17µg, Manganese 12.5µg, Molybdenum 0.32µg, Palladium 0.38µg, Platinum trace, Praseodymium 0.06µg, Rhemium 0.07µg, Rubidium 3µg, Ruthenium trace, Scandium trace, Selenium 0.02µg, Silicon 30µg, Silver 0.03µg, Thallium trace, Tellurium trace, Titanium 1.04µg, Vanadium 1.8µg, Zinc 22µg.
A total of 67 mineral elements have been analysed in all Seagreens human food ingredients.
Amino Acids : Alanine 0.89mg, Arginine 0.58mg, Aspartic acid 1.65mg, Cystein + Cystine 0.38mg, Glutamic acid 2mg, Glycine 1.93mg, Histidine 0.20mg, Isoleucine 0.53mg, Leucine 0.98mg, Lysine 0.63mg, Methionine 0.38mg, Phenylalanine 0.58mg, Proline 0.89mg, Serine 0.63mg, Threonine 0.64mg, Tryptophan 0.24mg, Tyrosine 0.33mg, Valine 0.73mg
Betaines : Glycine Betaine trace, Gamma Amino Butyric Acid Betaine trace, Delta Amino Valeric Acid Betaine trace, TML (Laminine) trace, L-Carnitine trace, Trigonelline trace, enzymes, lipids, lioproteins and many compound which cannot be artificially replicated or formulated.
Note: 1g (gram) = 1000mg (milligram) = 1,000,000µg (microgram)
Typical nutritional values per 100g
Protein 5.9g
Carbohydrate 55.5gg
Sugars 4g
Fat 1.64g of which:
Saturates 0.4g
Mono-unsaturates (cis) 0.96g
Mono-unsaturates (trans) < 0.01g
Polyunsaturates 0.21g
Polyunsaturates (trans) <0.01g
Dietary Fibre 50g of which:
Insoluble fibre 41g
Soluble fibre 9g
Sodium 3.4g
Moisture 12%
Energy 161 kcalories (657 kJoules)
Ash 25g
"I would like to order more Seagreens® Food Capsules as they have proved very beneficial. My husband and I can certainly tell the difference after not taking any for a while - a good test to show that we need to continue taking them. Our dog has also benefitted from the Seagreens® Pet & Equine Seaweed in recovering from a sprained back leg. He has more energy and better weight. We've noticed his digestion is not so good when we stop giving him the granules" - Mrs KEM, Crowborough 2002.
"All the cats and kittens are now having Pet & Equine Seaweed in their food. They are eating it up without any problems. They usually turn their noses up in suspicion when you add anything at all so this is good. It will be particularly interesting to see if there is any improvement in the breeding performance of Lily, who only ever has a single kitten! Also my young imported girl who had health problems as a kitten has just been mated and will be on it throughout her pregnancy" - Susan Moreland, BA Vet MB MRCVS GCCF member, Bengal and Toyger Cat Breeder, Shropshire 2003.
"I am writing to tell you about an experience with Seagreens that I hope you will find helpful. I have a Golden Retriever who has suffered from 'hot spots' all his life. For such a silly sounding name, the hot spot syndrome is an awful malady for both dog and owner to cope with. The spots are large raging sores that start out as an itch and can erupt anywhere on the dog's body. There is no medication that seems to help. They just have to run their course. Because they itch so much and because the dog naturally scratches, a secondary infection is common. The sores take about a month to heal and I have not found a vet yet, who knows what causes them. They can only treat the resulting infections. We accidentally had a steer from a plumber who was working at our house, about a seaweed remedy he had found successful on his Golden Retriever. For three years we have been giving Tubby 1 teaspoon per day of your Seagreens granules. In year 1 the hot spot eruptions diminished considerably but still appeared from time to time. In year 2 they vanished. We are now well into year 3 and so far, no new ones!Fingers crossed that the Seagreens® will continue to work. Please feel free to use this testimonial to help other Retriever owners in some way. Vets don't seem to know about this and therefore neither do their clients. Retrievers are really wonderful dogs and this malady is horrible. They only know to scratch, lick or bite the spot and this only makes it worse. If you could do anything to help these lovely, happy, mad, wonderful dogs it would be incredibly kind. One last story - we go often to Cornwall where we walk by the sea. Tubby has always loved seaweed and eats it every time we go to the beach. I have always heard that animals have a way of knowing instinctively what is good for them. It makes you think there really is something to all this" - Mrs Lea Hoerner, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire 2008.
"My 13 year old cairn terrier, Jasper, is taking Seagreens® Pet & Equine Seaweed and has been doing so all this year. He has a history of skin problems, digestive troubles and sensitivity to loud noise - in short, a bundle of problems. This year has been radically different. Usually by this time of year he is almost bald from tail to shoulders, from scratching and licking, and his tummy is not bloated any more. The only change to what I have tried in previous years is to start Jasper on your Seagreens®. so that is what I am crediting with his improved health. Many thanks, I could not recommend the product more highly" - Rachel Richards. Homeopath, West Sussex 2008.
"I can confirm that the cat is thriving on your Pet & Equine Seaweed and my daughter is going to start her dog on them too. My other daughter, who took Seagreens® Food Capsules intermittently, has been encouraged to take two capsules a day. She is about to embark on a nutrition course. I'm afraid I've yet to get my husband on them, although I am working on it!" - AS-H, Dorset 2009.
"I must tell you what has happened since December 2009 when I started giving my little Norwich Terrier Freddie the Pet & Equine Seaweed. I bought him as a 7 month puppy from a reputable breeder, but at a year old he showed symptons of demodectic mange. January 2009 I took him to the University of Cambridge, Queen's Veterinary Hospital where they confirmed his condition and told me that puppies get this from suckling from their mother who carries the condition. It is all to do with the puppies immune system that perhaps is not strong. But after putting him through 3 lots of complete shaves to enable the vets to treat his skin it was not until September that the vets eventually considered the mites were dead. At that time I was not aware of the Pet & Equine granules, although I am a long term advocate of Seagreens® for myself. I had tried everything for his immune system, even importing powders from the USA. In December I was ready to order some capsules for myself when I noticed an article about your Pet Granules, and knew that I should try them for Freddie. The results in the last 3 months have been phenomenal! He is bright eyed, lively and eating well, especially celery, which he seems to crave (something to do with the fact he had had toxic washes for so long, and apparently celery contains an anti-toxic agent). I am convinced his immune system has improved since taking the granules, and congratulate you for producing them. I have recommended them to my local vet" - KM Perkins, Peterborough 2010.
"Performance horses can be prone to ulcers due to feeding cereal diets from a young age. A horse's stomach is small compared to its overall size and weight and feed needs to be no more than 2 - 2.5% of body weight. Nonetheless especially working and performance horses need high energy diets. Feeding modern compound feeds which have an over-abundance of starch can cause digestive disorders like colic, laminitis and tying up. A balanced feed should therefore include protein, essential fatty acids (especially Omegas 3 and 6), vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. In other words, a broad spectrum supplement. Seagreens® provides the complete nutritional spectrum as a natural whole food. It includes all the minerals and approximately 25% polysaccharides found only in seaweed. These slow digesting natural sugars are found to be an effective prebiotic, helping to digest carbohydrate and make a significant contribution to the health of the gut and bowel. In 2010 we conducted a small trial among selected under- performing racehorses between 2 and 6 years old during training. None of the horses had previously had Seagreens® and no other changes were made to their feed intake. After 3 months on 20 grams Seagreens per day in their feed, the trainers noticed increased strength, better temperament and better coat. They described the acceptability and appeal of Seagreens to the horses as 'excellent' and ease of inclusion in the feed as 'very good'" - BC, Nutritional adviser to racing stables, Northamptonshire 2011.
"My Mum has used Seagreens Pet & Equine Seaweed on her dog which had dry skin patches and they have totally cleared up since she started sprinkling the granules in the dog's food" - VB, Nottingham 2013.